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The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

Camila P., Staff Reporter

My name is Camila P., I’m in 8th grade and a staff reporter for the Tiger’s Tale.  I hope I get to attend and report about the dances as well as taking pictures, I would like to write about things that entertain people like dances, maybe the in-n-out raffles or the dress code. I like going to Cross since I’m a manager and I like helping out there.

I also like hanging out with my friends and we usually take a lot pictures with them and videos so I believe I could be a good photographer.  I hope I get to be an editor I know it might be hard since I’m not a year 2, but I think I could be good.  I also hope I get to take pictures around school this year.

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Camila P.