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The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

Matthew M., Staff Reporter

HelIo my name is Matthew M., and I am a staff reporter for jounalsim.  My stories for this year I am planning for to do interesting stories for like dances for Halloween.

My hobbies are playing soccer playing video games, riding my bike, washing my dad’s truck, modifying my electric bike, and more.

I am an 8th grader even though am the tallest one totally and the fact that I am a staff reporter makes me pretty sigma.  My hopes for this school year are to have good grades don’t get detentions like last year be a sigma level of 1,0000,00000 in this year

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Matthew M.