Computer lab moved for classroom space
With the addition of a new science teacher, Mrs. Melissa Robinett, the computer lab will be relocated from room 25 to the library.
Mr. David Casper, school principal, made the decision to move the computer lab to the library. The computer lab was moved during the summer over a week and a half. Due to the arrival of a new staff position, the computer lab was needed to be moved for classroom space.
Ms. Melissa Robinett, who took the new science position, is currently in the room where the computer lab once was, room 25. At the moment, the computers are being held in the testing room.
“The main reason why the computer lab was moved was because since the students now use Chromebooks there’s not really use for it. This made better use of the school space,” said Casper.
Casper and his team made the decision to make the computer lab a new classroom for Robinett. Moving and cleaning out the computer lab was done by Technology Teacher Mr. Kevin Papke, Computer Tech Mr. Omar Frias, and Custodians Mr. Bobby Bazurto and Mr. Andrade Santiago. Moving and cleaning out the old computer lab took a week and a half over the summer.
In the near future, Casper’s plan is to redo a portion of the library for the displaced computers. “The plan is to have 40 computers instead of 20, more printers, and new furniture,” said Casper. The school’s plan is to make use of every single space available to make the school a better place. This transformation should be completed around Winter Break.
The temporary loss of the computer lab may have affected the students. Sarah Guzman, eighth grader, said, “Yes I noticed that the computer lab was removed and I think this will affect me as a student because printers are very limited and the library gets very full with students trying to print things out.”
But not every student has the same opinion. For some the change has been unnoticed. “I never noticed that the computer lab was gone or moved. This change probably won’t affect me because I never used the computer lab,” said Zacharie Sanchez, seventh grader.