Students made stop-motion films for enrichment during the summer
One of the four on-campus enrichment programs included a stop-motion animation program in which students made minute long films.
During the summer P.E. Teacher Mr. Patrick Evans, Journalism and Yearbook Adviser Mr. Gregory Celestino, and Exploratory Teacher Mr. Peter Boyd oversaw one of the four summer enrichment programs that took place on campus.
The main focus of this program was creating stop motion animation with the students. Stop motion animation is an animation of moving objects in small increments and taking photos of each slight movement. When the photos are sped up to 10 frames a second, it appears as if the objects are moving. For the stop motion, there were groups of five students that had to create the animation between forty-five seconds and one minute long.
The three teachers had their own other purposes as well. For example, Evans was in charge of the physical education, playing games, and other activities such as rock climbing, and archery. Boyd had the students read the novel James and the Giant Peach, along with writing an essay and Celestino taught the students about stop motion animation in his class.
“It’s cool because you get to create the program and do what you want and also be creative outside of school,” states Celestino.
There were 120 students who were invited to this program, although only 70 committed. These students arrived at school by 7:45 and for the first 45 minutes, the whole group gathered and played games like Hunger Games and dodgeball. Then, students split up and go to their first rotation with their assigned groups for an hour each. At around 11:45, the students had lunch and had their last activity for the day and left at 12:45.
Eighth grader Ky-Vinh Mai states, “I liked going to the summer enrichment program because I got to do things I do not get to do regularly and also have fun with my friends during summer that I will not see until school.”
There was also other summer programs that took place here on campus. Social studies teacher, Mr. David Chee and PE teacher, Mr. Charles Manfre ran a different summer program and math teachers Mrs. Carver-Baird and Mrs. Delilah Karaoguz and social studies teacher Mr. Ron Cheser ran another.