Hippocrates Circle encourages students into the medical profession
For the fifth straight year, Hippocrates Circle promotes the medical career path for eighth-grade students
The Hippocrates Circle had its first meeting on Thursday, October 20. The meetings are held in room 36 on the third Thursday of every month. The Hippocrates Circle gives students a chance to at what it’s like and what it takes to be a doctor. In order to join, students must be in eighth grade. They also have to fill out a form, write an essay, and submit their transcripts.
The term ‘Hippocrates’ comes from the Greek physician, Hippocrates of Kos. Hippocrates is known as the “Father of Medicine” and is one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.
Twenty years ago, the club was first established in San Diego. In 2003, Dr. Hill started the club at Raymond A. Villa Fundamental Intermediate, which was the only school in Orange County at the time who had the club. Then in 2011, when Dr. Hill moved to MacArthur, he brought the Hippocrates Circle to MacArthur Fundamental when he arrived.
Dr. Hill worked at Kaiser Permanente with Dr. Laura Chaverri. Dr. Chaverri is the sponsor of the Orange County Hippocrates Circle, while Dr. Hill is the advisor for MacArthur’s Hippocrates Circle.
When a student fills out the form, writes the essay on why they want to be a doctor, and submit their transcripts, Kaiser then chooses students who get to join and experience the medical world.
During the meetings, there are various activities done. Students get to learn how to read x-rays they get to dissect pigs, learn how to do CPR, and use and read ultra sounds. Each month students have a topic that they discuss during their meetings.
Students also go on trips. They go on a hospital visit to Kaiser Permanente, and are given the experience to perform surgery on electrical people who are controlled by computers. They also are able to see a emergency room simulation lab. Another trip students also get to, is to a clinic.
Now both, Villa and MacArthur are the only schools in Orange County have the Hippocrates Circle and get the experience of being a doctor.