Halloween Dance another successful fundraiser for MacArthur clubs
A super-hero theme, carnival games, and a haunted house all contributed to a festive Halloween Dance.
Spanish Club Advisor Mrs. Denise Vicario and AVID Advisor Mrs. Tammy Manske organized the annual Halloween Dance. The dance was held at school from 3:00 to 5:30 PM on October 28. The dance floor was in the PAR, as most dances are, and the games were among the school hallways near the first couple rows of lockers. The Halloween Dance raised funds for both the Spanish Club and AVID, and also allowed students to enjoy themselves with their friends and dress up before Halloween came.
Each year, the Halloween Dance has a theme that is applicable for all students of all ages at MacArthur. This year, the theme was superheroes, which was chosen by the Spanish Club. The tickets for the dance were seven dollars with the haunted maze already included. Students were also allowed to get in front of the line for the dance if they dressed up in a Halloween costume.
Vicario had the Spanish Club oversee the snack bar, while Manske and the AVID students arranged the games students played during the dance. History Teacher Mr. Ron Cheser coordinated and constructed the haunted maze, which was named “The School.”
Some of the games AVID setup were: balloon pop, eyeball bounce, knock the can down, soccer kick, bean bag toss, basketball toss, and cotton candy was given out.
Manske said, “I really enjoyed watching the students getting involved and the AVID students helping out.” Students who helped out during the dance volunteered for about half the dance.
Caitlyn Sanchez, eighth grader, was a helper from Spanish Club and worked the dance. Caitlyn said, “My favorite part of the dance was the maze because it was really dark and scary.”
600 students attended the dance and over $5,000 was raised, including the money from the snack bar and the tickets.