MacArthur students take online benchmark exam for language arts
Practicing extended responses, all MacArthur students took an online benchmark exam in language arts.
“When I took this benchmark test I got so scared because I thought that I was going to fail. But after I took it, I felt relieved because I actually did pass,” said seventh-grader Leslie Infante.
For the third straight year, MacArthur took the language arts benchmark exam, according to Language Arts Teacher Mr. Greg Celestino. This year, the test was taken online on October 11. The purpose of taking this test was to practice extended responses, which means that answers were meant for long responses like paragraphs. Unlike other multiple choice tests, this test lets show their knowledge through writing.
Seventh-grader Celine Tran said, “I was actually pretty confident when I took it because I suddenly remembered everything.”
Celestino explained that every student must take the benchmark test in order to measure progress. Benchmarks can show how writing progress is going, if the scores meet standards or are below standards. The test was designed by the Santa Ana Unified School District’s Writing and Curriculum Committee.
Each grade level had its own benchmark exam, so the question and text reflected the necessary rigor for each grade level. Language arts teachers discuss the benchmark in department meetings to prepare their students for the test.
Depending of the benchmark scores, teachers may adjust instruction. But, personally, Celestino hopes that all students perform to standard. “I encourage students to do their best on the Benchmark by offering extra credit to anyone who scores a three or a four,” said Celestino. A three would indicate that standards were met, and a four exceeds standards. Celestino has not recommended any students to tutoring because of low scores but notes that could be a possibility for some teachers.
The test was administered through Illuminate, which is the district’s data management program. Students did not need to create accounts or make passwords for the program and logged in through their Google accounts.
Besides language arts, other courses may have benchmark exams, too. Although, it is unclear if those tests will be given online or not.