The new Chromebook case – not worth the trouble!
While the new cases are more substantial, the larger size and bulkiness causes more problems than last year’s case.
On Monday, October 24, seventh and eighth grade students received new Chromebook cases during their PE class. Along with receiving their new case, students were also handed their new ID cards to put in the plastic screen on the front. As principal, Mr. David Casper, handed out the cases. The new cases are not better than the old red cases, and we should revert to using last year’s case.
The new, grey Chromebook cases are a new change from the original red cases. The red cases were slimmer and only zipped on one side, along with an additional pocket and a handle on the side. The slimness of the red cases made it possible to place the Chromebook into backpacks without making it look humongous. The new cases also have a handle, a shoulder or cross body strap, padding on the inside, a pocket, and straps that keep the Chromebook in place inside.
A common complaint made by students were that the cases were bulky, although protective. Personally, because of the bulkiness, holding textbooks, binders, and other items are more difficult and I am more likely to drop them. The chance of dropping them may cause impact and create damage both on books and the Chromebook.
The bulkiness of the cases have also made students want to leave them in their lockers instead of carrying them to classes and home, creating issues where they need their Chromebooks but do not have them and this leads to unfinished assignments.
With the zippers mostly around the sides of the case, time is more consumed either finding the zipper or unzipping all around, or both. The zippers get caught on the handle strap.
Another issue is students have purchased their own Chromebook cases in replacement of their broken red one but are not allowed to use them since the new cases. I purchased my own case but it is unfair that I must use the new case instead of my own.
The durability of the cases give more extra protection for the Chromebooks. Compared to the old red cases, there is less worry when accidently dropping it because of the padding and thick casing. The chances of damage actually impacting the Chromebook are very little.
Although the new Chromebook cases can be a hassle at times, add extra weight, and difficulties, I am grateful for the school’s concern of the condition of our Chromebooks and looked into purchasing these cases for all the students. The numbers of Chromebooks that have been damaged since the new cases were put on seem to have decreased; however, the ease of using the red cases makes them a better option, still.