WIN program makes attendance recovery a priority
MacArthur students can attend the Saturday WIN program to recover missed days of school.
For the 2016-17 school year, schools in Santa Ana started giving students a pathway to make up their absences with the WIN Program. The program takes place Saturdays at MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School, when there are enough students for participation. WIN stands for “What I Need” because it allows students to make up any needed work that they have missed.
The WIN Program began this year to provide students an opportunity to make up absences. District leadership wanted to create a new way for the students to be able to make up their work and get caught up to the rest of the class so they are not too behind.
Attendance Tech Mrs. Ana Garcia said, “It is a way to recuperate absences so you don’t get too behind on your work if you’re absent.” In other words, this program is a place to be able to do what you missed while being absent.
Once a student is absent, he/she will receive a letter from the office requesting WIN attendance. Although this program is made for the students who need to make up work because of their absence, any student can attend even if they do not attend our school. Teachers may also recommend a student’s attendance, if they feel the student is behind on work.
While students are in the program, they are able to get work done such as homework or classwork. The students also have access to computers if they need to use them. Some students have taken enrichment activities, it they did not have makeup work to complete.
Eighth-grader Jacinto Leocadio said, “I think the W.I.N. Program did help me a lot to catch up on the work that I missed.”