MacArthur should bring Domino’s Pizza back!
Domino’s pizza tastes better and has fewer carbs than the pizza that is offered at the MacArthur cafeteria. So why not Domino’s?
Students of MacArthur are given the choice to eat breakfast, nutrition, and lunch Monday -Friday. Different lunches are served every single day, except for Wednesday when students get the option of eating pizza: supreme, pepperoni, or cheese.
During the years of 2005-2010 students had the same choice; however, they would receive Domino’s Pizza, and could buy an additional slice for $1.50. In addition to eating Domino’s pizza students could eat breadsticks that were from Domino’s as well!
According to Cafeteria Supervisor Mrs. Celina Vargas, The California Department of Education moved to serve healthier foods, so instead of having Domino’s pizza, students had a healthier choice of pizza.
Was it really all that healthy? MacArthur should allow Domino’s pizza to be served here again at school.
According to the SAUSD school menu, the cheese slice of pizza served at the moment has 43 carbs and a medium slice of cheese pizza at Domino’s is only 25 carbs. Although some students claim that the school is serving a large pizza, a large slice of Domino’s would still be less carbs than the one being served here. A large slice of pizza is 38 carbs.
Instead of serving a healthier choice of food, the carbs of the pizza increased! Carbs are unhealthy for you because they are low in fiber and digested quickly, eating refined, or processed carbs can cause major swings in blood sugar levels.
In order to bring back the Domino’s items that used to be delivered, the school would have to get the approval of the California Department of Education. It is out of the reach of the cafeteria workers to bring it back themselves.
Therefore, this problem can’t be resolved, but students can deliver letters via mail to the California Board of Education explaining your concerns.
Santa Ana Unified School District Nutritional Information:
Domino’s Nutritional Information:
Information on carbs: