Eighth graders visit high schools to prepare for ninth grade
In order to provide comfort and familiarity for incoming freshmen, all Santa Ana Unified School District eighth graders visit their future campuses on March 22.
For the sixth year, all eighth graders will attend their future high school on March 22 . Only the eighth graders that are attending a Santa Ana Unified School District will be able to visit their high schools for a campus tour and a guidance session.
This trip is an opportunity to visit and become familiar with their campus, so it is not overwhelming on the first day of school. According to Assistant Principal Mr. Ray Gonzales, his advice for incoming freshman is, “Try to get involved and have fun but make sure to take it serious.” In essence, it is important for all future freshmen to enjoy their involvement in their new high school and remember their success in high school is valuable.
Eighth-grader Nylah Bravo said, “I am excited to get to know my future campus and I think this trip really would help me on my first day of school since it will be my first time going there. I know I will always remember the first day at my new high school.” In other words, high school visitation day plays a significant role in assisting future freshmen.
On the visitation, the students will be given a tour of their high school campus and receive the valuable opportunity to experience what their first day of high school will be like. According to Gonzales, the high school with the largest number of incoming MacArthur freshman would be Segerstrom.
In conclusion, the high school visitation provides helpful guidance for eighth graders. For these reasons, high school visitation day is an essential MacArthur tradition.