A.S.B. members attend leadership training at the Yorba Linda Field House
Thirty student leaders attended the day-long workshop to improve campus life.
On January 18 all Associated Student Body students went on a field trip to the Yorba Linda Field House to learn about leadership skills. Thirty A.S.B. students from MacArthur, in all, attended the trip.
“This year students got lucky to go on the trip because in the past years students did not have the chance to go because MacArthur did not provide enough money for us,” said A.S.B. Advisor Mrs. Maria Denisse Vicario. “The purpose of this trip is to encourage these young students to work with others, develop leadership,and to know how to take over a social environment.”
It took approximately 30-40 minutes to arrive at the Yorba Linda Field House without traffic, but on the way back to school the bus ran into a little traffic. A.S.B. staff left school at 8:00 AM and returned at 2:00 PM.
“I had fun on this trip. I liked the fact that we had to interact with students from other schools,” said seventh-grader Priscilla Vanbuskirk. “We interact with other schools and got an inspirational speech. The inspirational speech is to tell others bullying is bad and to learn to love others just the way they are.”
Another activity the A.S.B. students did was CASL, and that stands for California Association of Student Leaders. As an organization, CASL helps direct students on what they can do to help improve their campus, whether it is just to help clean up or helping build a team of leaders.
A.S.B. tries to organize activities to make MacArthur a bully-free zone. In the past, students have made posters, pins, and posted nice notes on student lockers to make the campus feel good about themselves. A positive campus causes a reduction in bullying and more troubling behaviors.
Overall, the field trip proved to be a successful even in building leadership among A.S.B. students.