Tiger Training prepares incoming sixth graders
The two-day orientation program continued to get students comfortable with the change from elementary to secondary school.
Program verification was held from July 29 – August 2 and was dedicated to getting students ready for the upcoming school year. MacArthur ASB and CJSF students assisted along with the counselors, staff, and administration. Specific to sixth grade, though, was Tiger Training, which is an orientation program to prepare students with the challenge of growing from elementary into secondary school.
Tiger Training was held at MacArthur in two cohorts from July 30 through August 2 and was an orientation program for incoming sixth-graders. Tiger Training was a two-day-long training from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and helped incoming sixth-graders to familiarize themselves with MacArthur and explore the school campus before the first day of school.
Sixth-grader Matthew Madrigal said, “The most important part of Tiger Training was taking a tour and getting to know the school campus.”
The program consisted of six different workshops or lessons as follows:
- The workshop with the counselors consisted of student surveys and getting to know their counselors.
- The study skills workshop with teachers Mrs. Cristina Barber and Mrs. Tammy Manske introduced students to Quizlet, AVID notes, and the importance of studying.
- Mrs. Vikki Pham and Mr. Kevin Trejo hosted a technology workshop to assist students in logging into their Google accounts and using Google classroom.
- Dr. Russell Hill and Mrs. Esther Flores held team-building exercises with games and icebreakers for the students.
- Tools for success was taught by Mrs. Tina Andres and Ms. Sandi Palmer and was dedicated to binder organization for the school year.
- The tour of the school showed the students around the school campus in addition to rules/expectations and was led by Mr. Gregory Celestino and Mr. David Chee.
Counselor Mrs. Laurie Tristan said, “I hope that the students that attended Tiger Training got to know their counselors and be comfortable with the campus.”
Over 300 students attended the program. Onboarding and orientation programs have been a point of emphasis in the Santa Ana Unified School District over the past five years. Tiger Training at MacArthur, however, has existed for decades. The goal has always been for students to feel confident and prepared on their first day attending MacArthur.
Besides Tiger Training, all students were assigned a day to attend registration, also known as program verification, based on grade level and last initial. At program verification, students went through stations to pick up and buy school necessities. Registration was an opportunity to buy locks, agendas, P.E. clothes, MacArthur attire, and yearbooks. During this time students also picked up their textbooks, locker numbers, and ID cards.
Assistant principal Mr. Ray Gonzales said, “I am looking forward to a great school year, the student’s academic achievements and extracurricular activities outside and inside of school.”