A.S.B. convenes for the 2020-21 school year
Associated Student Body begins their activities for the school year amid the campus closure.
The 30 ASB students, ranging from grades sixth through eighth, officially began their year after an election in September. ASB meets every Tuesday from 2:00 PM to about 3:30 PM, and are advised by Counselor Mrs. Laurie Tristan, and Family and Community Engagement Liaison Mr. Johan Arana.
ASB participation was open for all grades and students. In order to join, students had to fill out a form with 14 questions and successfully complete an interview. The 30-minute group interviews took place September 2-3, and had students in groups of three to five.
In order for the students to be chosen to be part of ASB, Tristan and Arana had a point system. Points were scored by how well prospective members did on their interview and application. Upon a successful application, the 30 students with the top points were paid a surprise visit by Tristan and Arana with treats to announce their acceptance.
Eighth-grader Aryanna Ponce said, “The meetings are very interesting and they get more creative every time and every time that I am in there it makes me feel like I can be creative and give new ways for people to have more fun.”
Elections were held during 0 period for students to vote for their student council officers. The candidates were given an option to create a video and flyers to promote themselves. The videos and flyers were shown through the announcements during Tiger Connection. Each student had to vote for one candidate in each category.
The main categories were president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. After the elections were counted, two students were tied with each other for president, so Tristan and Arana decided to have co-presidents this year.
The student council officers include:
- Secretary: Addison Mao
- Treasurer: Abigail Vu
- Vice-president: Vanessa Mora
- Co-Presidents: Luanny Lopez and Andre Macias.
The co-presidents run the ASB meeting, the secretary takes the minutes of the meeting, the treasurers sign forms when clubs request to purchase items, and the vice president takes over the co-presidents’ job when they are not available.
ASB president Andre Macias said, “ I think when I won ASB president it was remarkable because it was my first year as an ASB member.”
ASB would like to achieve leadership skills and always bring spirit to the campus. Some activities ASB does is morning announcements, staff on the spot, and Wednesday after school lunch. When they are not working on activities for the school they are also working on designing and ordering spirit gear to give out as student award incentives.