Runstrong continues a MacArthur tradition
Students choose to run for fun by joining Runstrong.
On September 29, MacArthur announced a new club called Runstrong, advised by Counselor Mr. David Diaz. Runstrong is a club where students run for fun on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. On Wednesdays and Fridays, the Runstrong students run about one and a half to two miles from 6:20 AM to 7:25 AM, and on Saturdays, which is an optional choice, they run about three to four miles from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM.
P.E. Teacher Mr. Patrick Evans originally informed Diaz about the community of Runstrong when Diaz was interning as a counselor at MacArthur. For this school year, Diaz returned to reform the Runstrong team for the current school year.
“Runstrong is for students who value running and will have a positive impact when running with the team including always up for an adventure,” said Diaz.
On Wednesdays and Fridays, students are required to meet at school at 6:10 AM to check in with Coach Diaz. Students leave the school at 6:20 and run about one and a half to two-mile run to places like Sandpointe park, Bobo park, Thornton park, and Segerstrom High school for about 10 to 15 minutes so students play in the park or do some stretching.
For Saturday morning runs, the time they have to get on campus is 7:00 AM to check in with the coach, on Saturday runs, members run about three to four miles depending on the place they begin at. At 9:00 AM, they run back to the starting location.
“I feel tired once I get there, but once I start running my energy gets higher and I get faster,” said sixth-grader Vianka A.
On Sunday, Oct 31, Runstrong had its first race called Dino-Dash, which is a charity event held in Tustin each year. Forty-eight team members participated in the Dino-Dash, earning a medal and race shirt. Finishing with the best times in the 5k for the MacArthur Runstrong team were Sebastian M. and Sahory V.
“In Runstrong, you get out of school and explore new places but in P.E. you just have to run around the park,” said Eighth-grader Giovanni G.
At MacArthur, Runstrong is not the only non-competitive athletic activity student can choose. On Wednesdays and Fridays, rock climbing is available from 7:00 to 7:45 in the fitness room. Evans and P.E. Teacher Mrs. Heather Moothart help teach and coordinate the rock-climbing program.