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The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

The student news site of MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School

The Tiger's Tale

Amanda V., Staff Reporter

My name is Amanda V.  I am an 8th grader and am reporting for the Tigers Tale. I plan to make stories by interviewing people at school dances or just planning to interview people on campus and take photos of dances or things involved in school.

Some hobbies I have is doing my makeup and doing my hair. Some interests I have are going out and about with my friends to like their houses or other places. My hope for the school year is to have good grades, be in MacArthur Minutes, and learn how to record on a camera because I already know how to take photos.

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Amanda V.