Elizabeth V., Staff Reporter
Hello, my name is Elizabeth, and I’m in grade eight at the time that I’m writing this. I’m also on the staff reporter team and I’m proud to be here working on the MacArthur Tiger’s Tale website. Some stories I’m looking forward to writing about include anything of minor importance to MacArthur that affects all of the people on campus in some way or another. I’d also like to write articles that are unusual if possible, but writing anything, for the most part, is fine with me.
Outside of school, I enjoy writing in my free time and listening to music to support my favorite artists as well as the occasional book although I’m not a minor fan of reading. I like gardening, too, whenever I can even if it’s just throwing out roots, which is why I decided to join the gardening club this year which so far has been a pleasant experience, thank you very much.
For this school year I hope to notice some growth in myself like I do every school year and that I’ll be better prepared for college when it comes along. My biggest hope is to get through school and be a successful student to make myself proud.